Monday, September 30, 2019

Abraham Maslow’s Motivation and Personality Theory Essay

Maslow felt as though conditioning theories did not adequately capture the complexity of human behaviour. Maslow therefore looked to determine what it is humans seek in life. After much theorizing, he concluded that we search for things that will fulfil our needs for survival, as well as our emotional happiness and self-satisfaction. He then went on to introduce his concept of a hierarchy of needs in his 1943 paper titled â€Å"A Theory of Human Motivation†. Thus presenting the idea that human actions are directed towards goal achievement, believing that people have certain needs which must be met before they can go on to fulfil their potential. This could be through any given behaviour which could satisfy several functions at the same time; for instance, once you’ve acquired a hobby that you’re exceptionally good at, i.e. football, dance, etc. you begin to meet one’s needs for self-esteem and social interaction. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs has often been represented in a hierarchical pyramid made up of five levels. The lowest levels of the pyramid represent the most basic needs, while the more complex needs are located at the top of the pyramid. The needs at the bottom of the pyramid are basic physical requirements including the need for food, water, sleep, and warmth. Once these lower-level needs have been met, people can move on to the next level of needs, which are for safety and security. As people progress up the pyramid, needs become increasingly psychological and social. Soon, the need for love, friendship, and intimacy become important. Further up the pyramid, the need for personal esteem and feelings of accomplishment take priority. Maslow emphasised the importance of self-actualization, which is a process of growing and developing as a person in order to achieve ones individual potential. Maslow believed that these needs are similar to instincts and play a major role in motivating behavior. Physiological, security, social, and esteem needs are deficiency needs, meaning that these needs arise due to deprivation. It is important to satisfy the lower-level needs in order to avoid unpleasant feelings or consequences. He termed the highest-level of the pyramid as growth needs. These are self-fulfillment needs and do not stem from a lack of something, but rather the desire to grow as a person. There are five different levels in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: – Physiological Needs: These include the most basic needs that are vital to survival, such as the need for water, air, food, and sleep. These needs are the most basic and instinctive needs in the hierarchy because all needs become secondary until these physiological needs are met. – Security Needs: These include needs for safety and security. Security needs are important for survival, but they are not as demanding as the physiological needs. Safety needs are what we need to feel protected against external influences, i.e. the desire for steady employment, health care, safe neighborhoods, being secure and comfortable. – Social Needs: These include needs for belonging, love, and affection. These needs are considered to be less basic than physiological and security needs. Relationships such as friendships, romantic attachments, and families help fulfill this need for companionship and acceptance, as does the involvement in social, community, or religious groups. – Esteem Needs: After the first three needs have been satisfied, esteem needs becomes increasingly important. These include the need for things that reflect on self-esteem, personal worth, social recognition, and accomplishment . – Self-Actualization Needs: This is the highest level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Self-actualizing people are self-aware, concerned with personal growth, less concerned with the opinions of others, and interested in fulfilling their potential. Maslow’s theory is relatable in my work as a nanny. I am considered a primary caregiver for the children I care for along with their parents. It is my job to make sure all their basic needs such as food, water, sleep etc are met; these needs are called Physiological needs on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and are considered the most important. Once I, along with the parents meet these needs, we then continue on to the child’s need to feel safe and secure. The way in which we meet these needs is by providing consistent care to the child/children and for that care to  be given by the same few people i.e. parents, nanny, grandparents, and nursery. This allows the child/children to build a relationship with his/her primary caregivers whereby they trust them and feel safe with them. By being with the child for their first years, there is a bond that they develop through us meeting their needs and being a consistent figure in their life, they receive love and affection from those around them and this gives them a sense of belonging. As the child gets older I promote and encourage them to participate in activities that interest them such as dance or football, whereby they are building on their social skills by interacting with children of their age and who share similar interests. This is where we meet the social needs that Maslow states in his hierarchy. When I look at the fourth level in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which he calls the ‘Esteem Needs’ I see this is based on how a child feels about themselves and also how they believe others see them. By meeting their social needs successfully the child/children will already have started to complete this level in their development because of the confidence and acceptance they have already achieved. This is where my encouragement and praise help the child/children in my care to recognise their achievements and this also helps to build their self-worth and self-esteem along with both mine and their parent’s recognition. All the previous levels lead up to us helping a child complete their final stage which Maslow calls ‘Self-Actualization’ however this level is where the child/young adult has to help themselves this could be achieved through a number of ways which could include continuing to further their education or going out into the world and finding a job but they will not be completely alone as they will have their parents and my support however by this stage I may no longer be with the family.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

High School Graduation Day Essay

Many people have experienced the over whelming excitement that you feel as you approach high school graduation day, and for me, that’s a day that I will never forget. The amount of emotions that you feel on graduation day is unbelievable, and I have yet to experience anything else like it. I can remember feeling anxious to celebrate the big day with my friends and family, while at the same time I was panicking thinking about having to walk across the stage in front of that many people. Then, the more I thought about the reality of graduation day, I started to get curious, but nervous, about being able to start a new chapter in my life once graduation day had passed. There are several reasons why I, still to this day, consider high school graduation day one of the most exciting days of my life. As exciting as it was to finally graduate high school, I still had some mixed emotions about it. When they called my name, I walked to the side of the stage, where I had to wait in a short line before actually crossing the stage. I couldn’t wait to get that diploma in my hand, but I really thought I was going to have a panic attack on the side of the stage before that happened. I finally made it up onto the stage I shook the principles hand one last time as he handed me my diploma, and made it back off the stage without anything embarrassing happening. When I sat back down I felt relief that I had gotten that part over with, and could enjoy the remainder of the graduation. When the graduation ceremony came to an end, I rushed to the auditorium to celebrate with all of my friends and family. I couldn’t believe how many people came to celebrate our graduation day with us. I knew my friends immediate families, but I got to meet everyone’s extended families, and hear stories about them that I will never forget. Then I took what felt like a million pictures, and hugged everyone I knew, and headed off to my graduation party to continue the celebration with the ones that I loved the most. That night I think I smiled and laughed more than I ever have in my life. As the end of the night approached us, I couldn’t stop thinking about how many mixed emotions I had about starting a whole new chapter in my life. I couldn’t wait to go to college, meet all new people, get a degree so that I could start my career path, but I knew that meant I had to say goodbye to my two best friends, who were moving several hours away from me. This was one of the hardest things I had ever had to do in my life. We all cried a little, and then made promises to keep in touch, and then we were off into the real world! I was very happy to be at this point in my life, but I was scared deep down inside. When I look back on this day now, I still remember every detail as if it was yesterday. I was so proud, and happy to be able to celebrate such an amazing day with all of my friends and family. I know I will never forget how embarrassed I was walking across the stage in front of all of those people, feeling famous after taking so many pictures, making our final memories together at our graduation parties, and then being a nervous wreck when it was time to go out into the world without my best friends at my side. High school graduation day was a very emotional day for me, but it was by far the most exciting day I have ever experienced in my life.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Comparative Criminal Justice Systems

In Phillip L. Reichel’s book Criminal Justice systems 6th edition Phillip Reichel uses the historical, political and descriptive approaches to compare criminal justice systems, although it is the institution and actors strategy that Lynch emphasizes. Legal systems and legal traditions have been studied and compared since the early 18th century. We will be discussing why criminal justice systems are studied and evaluating and comparing how the historical, political and descriptive approaches are used to study today’s criminal justice systems.In reference to why we study other justice systems although a society cannot replace their legal system completely with that of another country’s legal system it is important that we use comparative studies, as there are both provincial and universal benefits. Comparing how other criminal justice systems operate provides a point of contrast for a country’s own justice system also enabling them to analyse and to better u nderstand their legal system in order to help improve the way in which their system operates.As to the universal benefits comparative studies help nations to better understand differences and similarities in other nation’s justice systems to help them cooperate and work together to combat international crime. Although law enforcement agencies have worked together for centuries with the first extradition agreement between America and Great Britain being made in 1794. One may suggest that it is essential that criminal justice systems work more closely today than ever before as organised crime has developed more on an international scale. Countries can co-operate together on both a bilateral and multinational basis.The latter being where more than two countries work together for example the EU and the former being where two countries work together usually neighbours for example America and Canada. As with all three approaches the primary goal is to convey information. With the h istorical approach information studied is used to tell us what mistakes and successes have already occurred and what earlier experiences tell us about the present. Although perhaps the most important benefit gained from using the historical approach is how knowledge of the past prepare us for the future?As the criminal justice system and judiciary changes over time and by not having an understanding of the past one may suggest it would be difficult to prepare for the future. Over the years there have been many changes in criminal justice systems around the world and the historical approach has helped legal systems learn from past mistakes and successes in their penitentiary system’s, rehabilitation processes, judiciary, case law and other areas such as investigative techniques and the way in which we gather evidence.As mentioned some of the benefits of using an historical approach is how knowledge of the past can help prepare us for the future and what we can learn from our m istakes and successes. Improving conviction rates and decreasing wrongful convictions has always been a goal sought by criminal justice systems globally. The introduction of DNA had a huge impact on law enforcement agencies around the world and improved the way they investigated crimes, gathered evidence, prosecuted, solved crimes, decrease wrongful convictions and helped in exonerating people who had already been wrongfully convicted people.In 2002 the innocence project was set up in the United States and as of December 2011, 307 were exonerated of wrongful convictions by the use of DNA testing since 1989, 17 of whom had been sentenced to death. The first use of DNA was in England in Leicester when police asked Dr. Alec J. Jeffery’s in 1986 to help identify a suspect involved in two rape-murders. The tests actually cleared the original suspect and police then took several hundred DNA samples from males in the local area which led to Robert Melias being the first person being convicted with the use of DNA in 1987.After this case America began using DNA evidence and Tommy Lee Andrew was the first person to be convicted in the United States in November 1987 also for rape. Another example of the historical approach is Gustave de Beaumont’s and Alex de Tocquellive’s report of the American penitentiary structure in 1831 and 1832 and the French’s prison system. They criticised the French penitentiary system as it was costly to the treasury, was low on discipline and there was a high rate of inmates being sent back to prison.The American system however showed a profit as inmates were made to work during the day and there was a high level of discipline as inmates were kept in isolation at night. Having the system run this way not only showed a profit but also provided a low rate of recommittals. Gustave de Beaumont and Alex de Tocquellive’s compared the American penitentiary system with not only their own French system but also the p enitentiary system of Switzerland. Their report suggested ways to try and help their system by incorporating the American system and is an example of how we can learn from earlier mistakes and successes.As discussed one of the reasons we compare legal systems is in order for countries to work together to combat crime they must understand the differences and similarities in how their legal systems operate. Although for a country to work with another country it is also important to understand each other’s political system. The political approach is of importance when comparing legal systems as politics not only has an effect on a nation’s justice system but also effects interaction among nations.An example of how politics has effected both a nation’s justice system and interaction among nations is the case of Yvonne Fletcher. On the 17th April 1984 Yvonne Fletcher a Police officer was on duty during a protest outside the Libyan embassy. Without warning from one of the windows of the embassy gunfire was discharged at the protesters. Eleven people were injured including Fletcher who was fatally wounded after being hit in the stomach. Yvonne Fletcher died one hour later after being taken to Westminster hospital.The shooting resulted in MI5 being called and armed police surrounding the Libyan embassy for eleven days in one of the longest police sieges in London’s history. Britain at the time had diplomatic relations with Libra which meant they needed permission from the Libyan government to enter their embassy as under International law an embassy is a diplomatic premise. Although police were aware of this they still wanted to enter the Libyan embassy but at least needed authorization from the British prime minster, then Margaret Thatcher.As Margaret Thatcher was not in the country the responsibility was Douglas Herd’s then Home secretary to negotiate permission from the Libyan government to enter their embassy or to ignore Interna tional law and enter the embassy without their permission. The leader of the Libyan government then Gaddafi not only decided to not give consent to enter the Libyan embassy but declared that their embassy was under attack and in turn Libyan soldier’s surrounded the British embassy in Libya. With the risk to employees of the British embassy being harmed and diplomaticimmunity under International law the British government allowed the embassy staff to leave the building and escorted them to the airport to return to Libya. As a result of the embassy siege and Yvonne Fletcher the United Kingdom ended all diplomatic relations with Libya and in 1987 passed the diplomatic and consular premises act. The Diplomatic and consular premises act 1987 allows the UK government to determine which land is considered to be a diplomatic or consular premise and has been used once when the Cambodian embassy was occupied by squatters.Another example of how politics has effected a nation’s ju stice system is the war on Iraq. In 2003 George Bush declared war on Iraq and within a month America had declared victory. Although the American army had taken control there was widespread looting and riots and the need for a new police force was required. New York City’s former police commissioner Bernard Kerik was given the task to not only reform the police but to improve other areas such as: the border controls and customs.Bernard Kerik decided that the best way to do this was to retrain the Iraqi police force from everything from human rights to the use of fire arms. The training was out sourced to an American consulting firm called Dyn Corp International, this is an example of how a political system can influence a nation’s police force. Today there are 42,000 members of the Iraqi police all of which have completed the training provided by DynCorp International with more than 5,700 also completing specialized training from the Italian police and NATO.Although whe n comparing legal systems Lynch uses the historical and political approaches it is the descriptive approach and in particular the institution and actors strategy that Lynch emphasizes on for his book. In order for us to evaluate and compare each other’s legal system’s we first need to know how a system is supposed to operate. The descriptive approach gives as a description of how a country’s legal system is supposed to operate. It is by using the descriptive approach that we can compare similarities and differences between legal systems.The descriptive approach use’s two strategies the functions and procedures strategy and the institution and actors strategy. The main difference between the functions and procedures and institutions and actors strategy is that the institutions and actors strategy enables us to compare a large number of legal systems. It is because of this that Lynch emphasizes this strategy. The functions and procedures strategy can help u s group and compare countries based on their similarities as Lynch argues that all countries require that similar jobs be done or thou there may be more differences between the people doing the job then the jobs themselves.The functions and procedures strategy is not as helpful when comparing differences between legal systems. For example America, France and China have procedures for arrest and gathering evidence or trying to protect suspects against prolonged pre-trial detention. The functions and procedures strategy can be used to group such countries and compare similarities for example America, France and China all have time limits on how long a suspect should be held without charge. However when comparing a large number of legal systems on how they try to protect suspects against prolonged pre-trial detention we may find more differences.The institution’s and actors strategies approach helps us more when there are more differences between legal systems. For example when comparing how countries protect suspects against prolonged pre-trial detention. If there are a number of differences the institution and actors strategy compares systems based on their institutions such as their courts and corrections thus enabling to compare more countries and both similarities as well as more differences. The Historical, Political and Descriptive approaches each provide ways to compare criminal justice systems and each have their own benefits.The Historical approach tells us how knowledge of the past can help us prepare for the future and helps us learn from past mistakes and successes. The Political approach tells us how politics can affect a nation’s justice system as well as interaction among other nations. The descriptive approach (functions and procedures/institution and actors strategies) explains how a nation’s justice system is supposed to operate, the main components of a justice system and helps us compare a large number of different justic e systems.We compare legal systems not only for the provincial benefits but also to improve multinational cooperation to help combat international crime. Organized crime has increased over the years and criminals work more closely with criminals from other nations, as Thomas Friedman a New York columnist writes in his book â€Å"The world is flat†. Therefore it is equally important if not more important that criminal justice systems work together and understand each other’s legal systems and traditions.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Quantative Methods Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Quantative Methods - Research Paper Example berg poll to study the music piracy in the US, and a sample of N = 1650 with a proportion sample of n = 839 representing a variable group of ages 12 to 17 and 811 representing sample = 811 (Duhigg, 2006). A sampling error which is the difference in population and the results indicated in the sample, E =  ± 3% (Ron Larson, 2015). The population selected to participate on the survey was 4466 and the respondent had to respond using internet, that’s an indication that the data left out a good proportion of candidates who could have qualified but did have internet access thus an avenue of biasness. Only 43% of the selected sample responded indicating that the survey had a poor turn-out thus the data can be biased. The questionnaire was mainly qualitative and from the data we the sponsors can use to lobby more funds to fight copy-wrongs in the US, media can use it to create awareness and the legal fraternity can use it to gauge the level of biting teeth the copyright laws in curbi ng the menace. A random survey was conducted in the US to evaluate the president’s image in relation to how he manages the government effectively. A sample N= 1015 was interviewed on telephone with a population proportion samples of 50% both on cellphones and landline with sampling error  ± 4% at 95% CI (Newport, 2015). The study focus on adults aged 18 and above, the survey does not indicate the number of the population sample selected and only gives the sample that qualified to be tested. The data can be biased as it did not cater the adults who don’t have telephone access, according to Pew Research Center (Pew Research Center, 2014), 10% of US adults of 18 years and older don’t have access to telephone and 40% of homes in the US don’t have access of landline (Channick, 2014). Further the respondent answering questions can be of below 18 years as there is no way to verify the age of the respondent thus biasness (Waters, 2011). The data was qualitative, media can use the data in

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Acute Euthanasia Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Acute Euthanasia - Term Paper Example Patients may themselves request physicians to end their lives, as in voluntary euthanasia, also called as physician-assisted suicide. Euthanasia may be active, wherein medical professionals administer drugs that cause immediate death, or passive, wherein medical professionals discontinue the administration of drugs and life-supporting systems that have been keeping the patient alive (BBC). As is clear from these definitions, euthanasia concerns the termination of the life of an ill person to save him from severe pain that his/her ailment entails. This paper introduces the topic of euthanasia as a bioethical issue. Its pros and cons as well as legal implications are also discussed. The aim is to identify the ethical issues associated with euthanasia through an unbiased discussion of the arguments in favor as well as against euthanasia. The entire debate of euthanasia boils down to one question – Can imposed death be permitted, both morally and legally? Euthanasia is a bioethical issue because it concerns the taking of life of one individual by another individual. Even if it stems from compassion for the patient, and is aimed at the patient’s best interests, it is still an act of murder, abhorred by both moral and religious laws. Contenders in support of euthanasia claim that everyone has the right to a dignified death and that the law must recognize a patient’s â€Å"right to die† (Human Life Alliance 2). The debate over euthanasia is multifaceted and arguments both for and against the motion are equally persuasive. Some of the moral questions that encompass the ethical issues raised by euthanasia include questions like – Can murder be justifiable under any circumstance? Is it right to terminate the life of a person just because it is perceived that he/she is in unbearable pain? Is there no value of life? Can killing be legalized? Who has the right to decide whether a

Music Appreciation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Music Appreciation - Essay Example Studying the different time periods such as the Renaissance, Baroque period, Classical period, all these time periods contributed in different ways to the music we have today. Take for example, the kind of music that was played in the Baroque period. Music at that time lacked coherent melody, was filled with unremitting dissonances, constantly changed key and meter, and speedily ran through every compositional device. Look at the Classical period as well. Music during this time was balanced. Nothing was too fast or too slow, or too loud, or too soft. The texture of this type of music was lighter and clearer than Baroque music and less complex. Variety of keys, melodies, rhythms and dynamics along with frequent changes of mood and timbre were more commonplace in the Classical period than they had been in the Baroque. One thing that amazes me is that back in these different eras, there was a distinct type of music that most people played, what was acceptable. In the baroque, it was fas t music, in the Classical time, it was orchestrated music. In the Renaissance period, there was the development of respect for rhythm and sense of the words in texting. However, in our modern time and day, you have not necessarily just one type of music that is being played or dominant, but many different kinds, and a combination of all these different rhythms make me really appreciate the generation that we live in. This can be seen in the hit charts, in music that comes out today. Look at Alicia Keys, her music is an incorporation of both classical music and pop with a slight jazzy feeling to it. Another good example is of bands, such as One Republic. When they released their single, â€Å"Apologize†, there was incorporation of their classical music instruments, and the song in itself was a very emotional song filled with meaning. This realization helps me realize that just like how we are progressing, unlike before where people were more narrow-minded and only open to thei r own ideas but now we see a blending of all these different forms of music, we should be learning from the past. We should take the good and leave the bad, and bring all these good ideas together to form disciplines that will change our lives for the better. We should take the different music from different cultures and bring it together to form songs that will unite us as one and help us grow. These days, people tend to look more to Western music as the â€Å"ideal†, whatever is being done in western music, is what should be followed, but I believe this is wrong. Every culture has a rich background that they can bring to the table. I think we should learn to embrace our uniqueness, and stop trying to urge everyone to be like us. We’re connected across the planet. We can share the views of people on music, the arts, and culture via a wide array of internet-available nets capes, blogs, and interactive venues. We can access the musical world easily, purchase it, and dow nload it. We can learn it by listening to sources, and asking questions of it, interactively. We’re also connected to cultures living locally—at home, within our families, schools, and communities. There we can quite easily make the effort to know the children we teach, the human resources that are available to give support to our teaching efforts, and the music-makers that range from the occasional and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Effects of Alcohol Consumption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Effects of Alcohol Consumption - Essay Example Nevertheless, moderate drinking refers to taking a maximum of two drinks in a day, though there is a notion that the amount of alcohol that is moderate and safe for individuals depends on the age, sex, weight and other factors. In addition, a standard drink should have ten grams of alcohol, and it is served in typical size glasses while a glass of wine is considered equitable to two standard drinks when served in two hundred milliliter glass. Moreover, there are labels on the bottles of alcoholic drinks that indicate the standard drink contained. However, despite this information reasonable ideas concerning alcohol, people are still abusing alcohol and this leads to some effects. Therefore, this paper will seek to discuss the effects of alcohol consumption on human beings, whereby different psychosocial complications related to consumption of alcohol will be explored. There have been increased rates of alcohol consumption in different parts of the world, and this has led to drawing attentions to the public health concerning the implications of alcohol consumption. In fact, resent studies have depicted that the increased rate of alcohol consumption around the globe contributes significantly to the rise in cases of disability and death. Therefore, there are harmful effects of alcohol consumption on the health due to an increased chance of developing an addiction, which results to be a significant concern for a long period. Consequently, this has led to the need for recognizing alcohol consumption as a risk factor contributing to transmission of numerous communicable diseases, accidents, social and domestic violence. In addition, different patterns of dinking have an influence on the results of the long-term effects of intoxication causing health and social problems. The Absorption of alcohol occurs in the stomach through the small intestines, after which it is distributed to the other organs, and tissues via the blood circulation. However, there is a substantial amount of alcohol absorbed by the liver at a high rate, and it is broken down to form carbon dioxide water and energy. After the alcohol is consumed, the chemicals are excreted via the kidneys, which entail approximately ninety-eight percent alcohols and the two to five percent, through sweat, breath and urine. After the intake of alcohol, there are numerous organs in the body that are affected leading to medical complications such as severe damage on the stomach lining, continual liver damage, and loss of intellectual function. Other severe problem occurs after consumption of alcohol and prolonged use, though some of these problems are treatable, but in some instances, the damage caused may be permanent. One effect of alcohol consumption relates causing a disease referred to as gastric and acid peptic disease, which is associated with effect on the lining of the stoma ch that results to serious damage known as gastritis (Bujanda, 3382). The symptoms of this condition are vomiting during instances of heavy drinking while there is other severe gastritis affects common consumers of excess alcohol without eating food. Consequently, this result to a repeated damage on the stomach lining, which results to hyperacidity also referred to as a disease called acid peptic. The other consequence relates to the alcoholic liver disease (ALD), which results from severe complications of long-term consumption of alcohol. Moreover, there are stages associated with the condition, which are identified through

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Gordon Adams, Organ Selling, and E Pluribus Unum Essay

Gordon Adams, Organ Selling, and E Pluribus Unum - Essay Example This essay presents a portfolio of my three projects, which addresses them in relation to subject matter knowledge, writing process knowledge, rhetorical knowledge, genre knowledge, discourse community knowledge, and meta-cognition. Ultimately, the essay will draw a detailed conclusion on semester growth and impact on other discourse communities as an author and as a responder. In writing the project, the summary of Gordon Adams essay, I sought to address a specific audience, which includes students from Arizona State University, the management of Arizona State University, career experts, academic professionals, and future law students. Ideally, the purpose of this project was to present the views and academic journey of the future law student as well as my opinion on his views. Furthermore, the constraints related to this project relate to lack of reference literature, a possibility of biased information, cultural influence, and use of second person narration. The stance of this pro ject depicts the mental or emotional position adopted with respect to Gordon Adams’ letter. The stance is that of hostility against the University’s Mathematics Requirement Arizona and that Arizona State University should grant Adams his request because he would not require algebra knowledge in his legal profession. The ethos of this project relates to the fact that Gordon Adams was an adult, a Justice Studies student of the university student, and a member of the Pawnee Tribe of Oklahoma who seeks to become a lawyer and representative of his tribe. The pathos of the project relates to the fact that he was the first person in his tribe to enter college, had a good academic record, and focused on his career path. The logos of the project relate to the idea that the legal profession does not require algebra knowledge. This project depicts metacognition where Adams uses higher thinking to realize that a waiver of the university’s mathematics requirements would help him realize his career objectives. Moreover, the genres used in this project include narrative writing, descriptive writing, and persuasive writing where I use logical appeals and emotions to win the audience’ support from my viewpoint. Notably, my project refers to the mathematics discourse community s seen in the specialized terminologies as algebra used in the project. In writing the project, I sought to address a specific audience, which includes kidney patients in America and their families, medical professionals, and my fellow students. Ideally, the purpose of this project was to present the views of the two authors, analyze their power of conviction, and present my opinion with regard to organ selling as a solution to kidney problems in America. The constraints in this project relate to the possibility of unsound and unhealthy decisions, lack of medical knowledge, and the presence of both positive and negative statements. The stance of this project depicts the legal, medical, and emotional position adopted with respect to organ selling. Joanna MacKay’s stance is in support of organ selling while David Holcberg’s stance is in support of human capacity to reason and make the right decisions. Most assuredly, my stance is that the legalization of organ selling can help many people but be building healthy lives would be more efficient in helping kidney patients.     

Monday, September 23, 2019

Emily Islation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Emily Islation - Essay Example The story explains that Emily got isolated and insane because of her Father which led her to kill her love and later die in agony.( Thesis). Emily had lived with her Father till he died and she never wanted to accept that she lost her father. As per (Fang 18-24) â€Å" In â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, Emily is such a tragic figure who forever lives under her father’s domination, even after his death. But her insanity started with her father’s death and went on to escalate later in life†. Her father never allowed anyone to court Emily and he contributed to her isolation. Later she got used to the lonely lifestyle and lived in isolation. After, her Father’s death she embraced isolation to lighten up her life. For example, she did not even take time to throw out the people who come to collect tax but order to throw them out. She also did not hold a civil conversation with them. She also did not communicate with her community and never went out. This in a way supported her. Because of her isolated life people thought of her as a weak women but she was strong inside. She could kill Homer and pret end to be naà ¯ve and isolation allowed her to keep her secrets. The root cause of all her problems had been her father. She is isolated from her city, relatives and people around her. Her alienation from love has led her to insanity. Emil’s isolation is evident because after her Father death, she felt deserted and hid from the society and embraced loneliness. As per ( Faulkner 129) â€Å"After her fathers death she went out very little; after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her at all†. Emily is a character who did not want to confront the reality. She lives in a fantasy world and where death has no meaning. Emily refused to accept that the life around her is changing and she wants to fondle the memories of her fast forgetting the present. After her father’s death she did not go out much and her

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Colliding of Black Holes Essay Example for Free

The Colliding of Black Holes Essay Physics is just a world of simplicity explained with logic and math. The fact that we are brave enough to be examining the vast universe with its components nowhere close to the size of humans; fills the streak of intimidation. The universe acts as a system of equilibrium; just like the law of conservation of energy it also follows the law of conservation of mass/matter. The biggest contributors, still veiled with mysteries are Dark Matter, Black Holes, WIMPs, and Higgs Bosons etc. Black holes are widely studied and its powers are simulated over hundreds of labs around the world. However, the one that caught my attention was related to â€Å"Colliding of Black Holes†. On a fundamental level, it is a well-known fact in the world of astrophysics that black holes are bodies with immense energy with the ability to destruct anything in its way, some scientists even refer to it as the, ‘Ultimate garbage disposal of the universe’. Jumping up to the next few levels where two of such black holes come in contact. According to studies, the surrounding space-time surge and undulate causing a severe distortion in the space-time fabric. This warp is so complicated that even the incredibly high levels of calculations in Math fail to clearly explain the phenomenon. Even though physicists have simulated many different probabilities; nailing down the perfect explanation has not been possible. However, many theories have floated up. The two black holes may join and become a supermassive black hole. The region of Space-time may undulate so much that a certain region around the two bodies would possibly even allow backwards time travel. Most of these theories have Einstein’s general relativity as the backbone. Theories and hypothesis lead to the evolution in science. When you consider the above phenomena, as a high school student I would probably relate it to something so much simpler; like may be the Newton’s laws. Even though I would not be able to nail the actual consequence I would get an idea of the scale of the consequence. Newton’s third law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction; if two black holes with destructive gravitational forces move against each other it is obvious that they interact on each other with the same force; hence, causing an immeasurable damage – which is simple enough for us to understand and well enough explains the basic consequence. †¦but if you want a simpler explanation; you’d probably want to simply watch it from a distant, it would be quite a rive for any material to be swirling in its vicinity.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Advantages of Metamaterials

Advantages of Metamaterials Juan Castellanos The future is here and you wouldn’t believe how far research has come. Through countless experiments and hard work scientists have expanded the limits on what we thought to be impossible via advances in metamaterials. These so called â€Å"metamaterials† are artificially constructed improvements over naturally occurring materials commonly used in inventions. These metamaterials are altered at a Nanoscopic scale to give them new properties. Advances in the field of metamaterials could impact many aspects of life including: technology, medicine, and military combat. To fully understand what metamaterials are, we need to completely understand how they work. Metamaterials are created on a small scale in order to manipulate or alter incoming waves, causing them to behave differently than they normally would. This can include light, mechanical, sound, or electromagnetic waves. Through the use of metamaterials you could conceivably â€Å"stretch the law of refraction to its limits because you could make light bend in any direction you liked†(Grant Hapgood). For example, water has standard refraction, which produces a bent image since light travels throughwater at a different speed than it does throughair while â€Å"Metamaterials can make objects in waterappear to angle in the opposite direction, whichis known as negative refraction† (Clark). Metamaterials normally acquire their properties from structure rather than composition since they are engineered to have different properties than those found in nature. Metamaterials are going to innovate the next wave of technological advances that could make life easier. For instance, metamaterials can have a major impact on the commercial market by making wireless charging a possibility, affecting millions around the world that are in constant need of a convenient method to charge their portable devices. According to Business Insider major companies such as Samsung, Hewlett-Packard and Panasonic have cited metamaterials in recent patent filings (Wagstaff). Furthermore, metamaterials could potentially keep families in touch by enabling access to the Internet in areas around the world where it is currently unavailable. This is achieved by â€Å"an antenna on a moving object, such as a plane or automobile, to a satellite, facilitating a constant connection† (Clark). This antenna generates a connection that enables satellite-connected Internet to exist anywhere in the world. In addition, Metamaterials can save lives and prevents catastrophes b y being able to shield and redirect seismic waves away from buildings and other important structures. Researchers conducted an experiment in 2013 where seismic waves were artificially produced in soil and in the presence of metamaterials; probes determined there was a â€Å"modification in seismic energy distribution† (Brule, Javelaud, Enoch, Guenneau). The cloaking of seismic waves can be a bit more complex than say that of acoustic waves due to the nature of the medium (Sheng) but the benefits of such an advance could limit damage from natural disasters by protecting important structures such as power plants, residential buildings, and hospitals. Just in recent memory, seismic cloaking could have benefited Japan when their power plants were struck by a tsunami resulting in nuclear meltdowns and a 2010 earthquake crippled Haiti leaving millions of people devastated. These are just few examples of how metamaterials are revolutionizing the world we live in. Secondly, the military is also investing in metamaterial research in order to gain an advantage on the battlefield. As previously mentioned, metamaterials are designed to have characteristics their counterparts would not normally have, a prominent example is the ability to â€Å"produce plastic metamaterials that are superconductors of electricity† (Scharrett, Garrison). Replacing electric conducting metals with plastic conductors would result in less electrical resistance and â€Å"large drops in electrical resistance translate directly into reduced thermal buildup and major increases in the meantime between failures of electrical components† (Scharrett, Garrison). Moreover, a naval research program is funding a prototype that bends sound around a submarine in order to make it invisible to enemy sonar through the use of metamaterials that can manipulate sound waves. In addition, Army is researching metamaterials to build biological and chemical detectors. These metalli c nanostructures react electromagnetically to incoming molecules detecting single molecules that could be of great use for passenger or cargo screening (Hambling). The Holy Grail in all the research being poured in to metamaterials is the development of â€Å"invisibility cloaking†, the type we have only been able to imagine in movies and comic books. Duke University’s Yaroslav Urhumov says the U.S. Department of Defense is a â€Å"major sponsor of metamaterials and invisibility research and backing this up further is Miguel Navarro-Cia of Imperial College London who claims the military’s primary interest was in â€Å"making a cloak†(Wagstaff). Besides the obvious goal of being able to approach and attack enemies sight unseen, there are other possible functions for the military that could also be applied to civilian use such as â€Å"rendering parts of an aircraft invisible for pilots to see below the cockpit, or to rid drivers of the blind spot in a ca r† (Wagstaff). All these improvements and advances could potentially save casualties and be the difference between victory and defeat. Perhaps the most important utilization of metamaterials will occur in the field of medicine where it can directly help treat and save millions of patients. As opposed to bending light waves in order to make something invisible, metamaterials could also potentially lead way to a super microscope that can view objects as small as a singular strand of DNA. As Discover magazine puts it, this could â€Å"turbo charge biological research† (Grant, Hapgood). Conventional optics are hindered by the refraction limit, only allowing objects to be viewed up to a certain resolution, meanwhile â€Å"metamaterials having negative refractive index is theorized to create a lens having better capabilities beyond conventional lenses. A British scientist, Sir John Pendry, proposed that a thin slab of negative metamaterial might overcome the problems with common lenses to achieve â€Å"a perfect lens† that would focus entire spectrum† (Pendry 3966). One of the biggest tools against ca ncer is early detection; the difference between life and death is often determined by the stage the cancer is discovered. â€Å"By developing microwave devices and combining it with structures inspired by metamaterials, it can lead to a very cost effective device that can localize with high precision an abnormality within the human body† (Raghavan, Rajeshkumar 368). Moreover, In the future metamaterials could â€Å"absorb all light, to create heat to destroy cancerous tissue† (Tufts University). The researchers at the Tufts University School of Engineering and Boston University concentrated on metamaterial silk composites that are resonant at the terahertz frequency. At this frequency many biological and chemical components could be possibly used for biosensing in the human body. According to this research â€Å"The silk metamaterial composite is sensitive to the dielectric properties of the silk substrate and can monitor the interaction between the silk and the local environment. For example, the metamaterial might signal changes in a bio-reactive silk substrate that has been doped with proteins or enzymes (Tufts University). All these potential advances show how metamaterials will impact the medical field with great importance. In conclusion, metamaterials can have a advantage over naturally occurring materials due to alterations made at a small scale that allow for manipulation of any incoming waves that come in to contact. Metamaterials have introduced a wide array of possibilities previously thought unreachable. The use of metamaterials will be widely used in different fields and will result in beneficial developments for humanity. Therefore, metamaterials will have an impact on the future of humanity and the perception of what we know. Works Cited Clark, Marjorie. Metamaterials Are Quietly Shaping the Future of Radar 425 Business. 425 Business. N.p., 19 Feb. 2015. Web. 05 Apr. 2015.>. Hambling, David. 5 Metamaterials That Make Matter Invisible, Silent or Blindingly Fast. Popular Mechanics. Hearst Digital Media, 05 Mar. 2010. Web. 05 Apr. 2015. Luan, Pi-Gang. The Physics of Metamaterials. N.p.: National Central University, n.d. PDF. Metamaterials. Metamaterials. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2015.>. Tufts University. Implantable silk metamaterials could advance biomedicine, biosensing. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 13 August 2010.>.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Two Theories Of Youth Crime Criminology Essay

Two Theories Of Youth Crime Criminology Essay This essay will discuss three theories, the differential association theory, the labelling theory and the rationale choice theory. The theories will discussed and how they can explain crime will also be discussed, and then a comparison of the theories will be given in order to identify their strengths and weaknesses in explaining youth crime. Theories within criminology try to explain why and how crime occurs. This is done through examining various facts that are related to the individuals criminal behaviour and the crime they commit. There are a wide range of theories which can be used to explain the causes of crime and deviant behaviour from youths. The first theory is the differential association theory by Edwin Sutherland (1947). He developed the differential association theory in order to explain how youths engage in acts of criminal behaviour. This theory defines criminal behaviour as learnt behaviour which is acquired through social contact with other individuals (Hopkins Burke, 2009:104). This theory explains how individuals learn how to engage in criminal behaviour through their attitudes, drive and motive behind the criminal act. An individual is most likely to be involved in criminal behaviour if they spend numerous amount of time with a person who has a criminal background and believes that breaking the law is acceptable. Furthermore Sutherland (1974) identifies nine main factors that can be used to explain why a person engages in criminal behaviour. This essay will now explain the nine factors in detail. The first factor that Sutherland believes is the reason as to why an individual engages in criminal behaviour is because the behaviour is learned. Hopkins Burke (2009) Believes that the actions of an individual are influenced by the people they associate with. It is believed that because the individual main association is with their family, as that is whom they have grown up and live with, so therefore the individual social values and norms are formulated from them. Sutherland also stated that learned behaviour is not invented, nor is it inherited The skills and techniques required for an individual to engage criminal activity are not automatically obtained from birth, or through association with criminals, instead they are acquired through a process of learning (Hopkins Burke, 2009:106). The second principle refutes the idea that criminal behaviour is learned through the individual witnessing deviant or criminal behaviour. Instead this believes that criminality is learned behaviour though interaction with others in the process of communication. Children are accustomed to the norms of society at a very young age, they are taught the roles of both a people around them. They also learn these roles by observing the male or female characteristics relating to the specific gender. For example an individual may learn about deviant behaviour through communicating with the person who is committing the deviant behaviour. The third principle states that individuals commit crime because they are influenced by the behaviour of intimate people such as family members and close friends. Methods of communication from television and or media are less effective in influencing the individual (Hopkins Burke, 2009:106). The fourth factor from Sutherlands theory is that learning criminal behaviour involves learning specific techniques, drives, motives and rationalization. Having a primary group of people around does not necessarily mean that the individual will engage in crime, but it does mean that they have the resources into the criminal rationale. For example being around a person who is has been convicted of sexual offence, may give the individual knowledge into how to engage in the same crime, but the individual may choose not to engage in that crime because they know from their socialization of societal norms that a sexual offence is unacceptable (Hopkins Burke, 2009:106). The fifth factor can be noticed when considering cultures form the United Kingdom and the United States. Both countries have various cultures within them and each culture has different perceptions as to what is favourable and unfavourable within society and this can cause a cultural conflict. This principle believes that the specific direction of motives and drives is learned from definitions of legal codes such as favourable and unfavourable. (Newburn, 2007: 194) The most important principle within the differential association theory is the sixth principle, which is when individuals associate themselves with people that engage in criminal behaviour and believe it is acceptable. This principles states that an individual becomes delinquent only when definitions favourable to violation of law exceed definitions unfavourable to violation of law (Newburn, 2007: 194).The seventh principle stares that differential associations may vary in frequency, duration priority and intensity. The eighth principle believes that the process of learning criminal behaviour by association with criminal and anti-criminal patterns involves all the mechanisms that are involved in any other learning (Newburn, 2007: 194). The final principle states that while criminal behaviour is an expression of needs and values, it is not explained by those needs and values since non criminal behaviour is an expression of the same needs and values. For example if two individuals where both motivated by a need to gain money and respect, but one person engage in criminal behaviour in order to get the money and respect. Whereas the other person engaged in conforming behaviour. So therefore the need for money and respect cannot be used as an explanation for an individual to commit crime (Newburn, 2009: 194). The second theory that will be discussed is labelling theory. This theory claims that deviance and conformity does not emerge from the individuals actions, but rather from how others respond to the actions. Marcionis and Plummer (2005) state that labelling theory highlights social response to crime and deviance. The main academics in this theory were Becker and Lemert. Lemert (1951) first established the view of deviant, and later developed by Becker (1963). Labelling theory has become a dominant theory in the explanation of deviance. This theory is created by the assumption that deviant behaviour is solely based on the violation of norms within society, but also by any behaviour which is defined as labelled or deviant. Deviance is not viewed as the act that the individual engages in, instead it is based on the response other individuals give to the act. Becker (1963) believed that deviance is created through social groups because they make rules which create deviance, and then they apply those rules to particular individuals labelling them as deviant. He also stated that deviance is not the act that the individual commits, but the consequences of the application of others by rules and sanctions to an offender. And the deviant one is whom the label has successfully been applied to. Deviance has been distinguished into primary and secondary deviance by Lemert (1951). Lemert described primary deviance as diminutive reactions from others that have little effect on an individuals self-concept and secondary deviance is described as people pushing the deviant individual out of the social circle, which can therefore cause the individual to seek the company of people who condone deviant behaviour. He further argued that instead of viewing crime as a leading to control, it may be more productive to view crime as something with control agencies structured. Secondary deviance leads Goffman (1963) to define deviant career. Goffman (1963) stated that people who acquire a stigma which is a powerful negative label which changes a persons self-concept and social identity. The individuals is la Criminal prosecution is one way in which the individual is labelled in a negative, rather than in a positive way. It is believed that stigmatizing people can often lead to retrospective labelling, which is the understanding of an individuals past with the present deviance. Lement believes that retrospective labelling distorts an individuals life in a prejudicial way guided by stigma and this is an unfair thing to do. Stigmatizing young people may actually lead them into a deviant career (Hopkins Burke, 2008:172) Howard Becker (1963) claimed that social groups create deviance by labelling individuals as outsiders. Through an application of infraction constitute deviance. Furthermore labelling theorys approach to deviance mainly concentrates on the social reaction to a deviant act committed by an individual as well as the interaction process that leads up to the labelling. This theory therefor suggests that too much attention has been given to criminals by academics because criminology views criminals as types of people and also to the insufficient attention to the collection of social control responses. This therefore means that the police, law, media and public association help shape crime. This is supported by the conflict theory which shows how deviance reflects on inequalities and power. This approach may also signify that the cause of crime may be linked to inequalities of race, class and gender. The conflict theory links deviance to the power of norms and the imagery of the rich and pow erful, which the law society supports. The notion of secondary deviance, stigma and deviant career all demonstrate how individuals can include the label of deviance into a lasting self-concept. Becker (1963) believes that labelling is a practical act that has made politicians aware of which rules to enforce and what behaviour they should regard as deviant. The effects upon an individual being publically labelled deviant have been examined by Becker (1963) he believes that a label is an unbiased onion, which contains an evaluation of the individual to whom it is applied. The labelling theory will be a master label in term of captivating over all other statuses the individuals are under. For example if an individual is labelled as a rapist it will be difficult for the individual to overlook these labels and see themselves in positive roles such a parent, friend, worker and neighbour. Other people will view that individual and respond to them according to the label; also they will assume that the individual has the negative characteristics associated with the label. Eventually the individual will view themselves in that label because their self-concept is derived from the responses of others. This can then produce a self-fulfilling prophecy where the deviant becomes the controlling one. The third theory that will be discussed is the strain theory. Unlike the differential association and labelling, this theory believes that social structures within society can influence individuals to commit crimes. Merton (1938) suggests that there are two types of important elements of social structure; these elements are the cultural goals, the function of the goals and interests. The third theory that will be discussed is the strain theory. Unlike the differential association and labelling, this theory believes that social structures within society can influence individuals to commit crimes. Merton (1938) suggests that there are two types of important elements of social structure; these elements are the cultural goals, the function of the goals and interests. Merton (1938) explains the occurrence of crime and deviance using five responses to strain. The first path is Conformity; this path suggests that individuals could alleviate the strain by changing their cultural goals and by withdrawing allegiance to the institutionalised means. The second path is Retreatism; Merton considered this path to be the least common adaption. Retreats are those who rejected cultural goals and its institutionalised means. Individuals who normally take this path are considered not to be part of society (Hopkins Burke, 2008: 120). The third path is the Ritualism, these individuals are not particularly successful in attaining their conventional goal, but they emphasise on the means that obscure their judgements on the desirability of appreciating the goals. The fourth path is Innovation; this path suggests that when an individual finds that an obstacle inhibits their ability to achieve the cultural goals, the individuals will use other means rather than institutional means (Hopkins Burke, 2008: 121). The final path is Rebellion, Merton believes rebellious people are those who simply reject but also which to change the existing social system and its goals. Rebels reject socially a pproved means and the goals of their society. (Hopkins Burke, 2008:122). Strain theory can cause negative feelings from the outside environment. These feelings include fear, defeat and despair; the most applicable feeling that can occur is anger. Agnew (1992) emphasised that when they become angry, individuals tend to blame their negative relationships and circumstances on others (Agnew, 1992: 59). An individual is incited with anger, low inhibitions and they begin to create a desire for revenge (Agnew, 1992: 60). Agnew stated that individuals who are subjected to repetitive strain are more likely to engage in delinquent and criminal acts, this is due to the fact that the individual becomes aggressive because they are unable to cope and the negative strain may become too much for them (Agnew, 1992: 61). Overall all three theories give a good explanation of youth crime. The similarity between these theories is they all aim to give a detailed explanation as to why individuals engage in crime and deviance. Differential association theory believes that all behaviour is learned and so therefore deviant behaviour is also learned. This theory focuses on key variables such as the age of the learner, the intensity of contact with the deviant person whom they learn from and the amount of good and bad social contacts they have in their lives. Whereas the labelling theory explains deviance as a social process where individuals are able to define others as deviant. This theory emphasises on the fact that deviance is relative and the individual only becomes deviant when they are labelled. Alongside this strain theory explains deviance as the outcome of social strains within the way society is structured. Not all theories give a good explanation for tackling youth crime, the labelling theory states that the label is the route of criminal behaviour; this is not a good explanation because there is a reason an individual becomes a burglar, not because they have been labelled as one. The individual is aware that their actions are deviant and that they are breaking the law. Some academics believe that there should be more research into the labelling theory and why individuals engage in criminal behaviour. The left realist have stated that the idea of avoiding labelling in order to avoid deviance is unrealistic. Also Aker (1994) criticised the labelling theory for claiming that deviants are normal individuals who have been labelled. However the labelling theory fails to explain why some individuals are labelled and some are not. Another criticism of the labelling theory is that it is possible to reject the label. Becker (1963) claimed that once an individual is labelled and accepts the devi ant behaviour, all their other qualities become irrelevant and the label becomes their master status. However there are examples that show it is possible to reject the label. This example comes from Reiss (1961) study on young male prostitutes. Although the males engage in homosexual behaviour they regard this behaviour as work and still maintain their straight image despite working as prostitutes. This study shows that the labelling theory is open to negotiation as some individuals reject the label. Differential association theory and the strain theory can be used to tackle youth crime. The differential association accepts that criminal behaviour is evident across all social classes, and that criminal attitudes and behaviour is learned through interaction with influential groups. In order to tackle youth crime the government will need to introduce organizations that aim at using positive role models to encourage young individuals who do not have positive role models in their lives. By doing so individuals can learn positive behaviour instead of deviant behaviour from people who engage in unacceptable behaviour. The differential theory has been criticised in Glueck (1956) article on Theory and fact in Criminology. Glueck stated that it is difficult to measure the duration, priority, frequency and intensity of an individuals association, so therefore this makes it impossible to predict and measure how the differential associations result in the learning of criminal behaviour. It c ould be argued that the individual did not learn criminal behaviour from an intimate social group, because the duration, frequency, priority and intensity was not sufficient. Glueck (1956) argued that if there is no sufficiency then the theory is not falsifiable which therefore males it defective. Finally the strain theory can be used to tackle youth crime because it explains the strains with society that may influence individuals to engage in criminal activity. This theory can enable the government to improve the social structure within society, for example providing more employment and better education opportunities. Strain theory has been criticised by Cohen (1955) who stated that the theory can be accounted for some but not all deviant behaviour. Cohen also criticised Mertons theory of strain for being too individualistic in describing the adaptations to strain.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Aztec Nation Essay -- essays research papers

The Aztec Nation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A distant sound is heard. It sounds like a deep drum being hit with a heavy instrument. You hear it again and strain your eyes in the direction of the sound. All around you is dense jungle. Snakes slither between your legs. You hear the sound once again. In front of you is a dense stand of ferns. You part them and look down into a wide open valley. The valley gets so wide and it is so green that it takes your breath away. But that is not what you are looking at. You are staring at a huge city with glittering buildings shining in the spring sunlight. Smoke rises up from some of the many houses. You can see and hear children playing in the wide open fields in front of the shining buildings. Lamas and chickens are being bough and sold. You see bags of gold jewelery being bought and sold. Beyond the market place you can watch a religious ceremony. You hear the scream of a person being sacrificed to one of the gods. Beyond the city there are roads made of stone and can als full of pedestrians and canoos. Who are these people and what are they doing here you wonder?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The above paragraph describes what an early explorer in Mexico might have seen between 1400 and 1500 AD. The Aztec nation is one of the largest and most advanced Indian nations to ever exist on earth. Just about every part of the Aztec life was advance to such a state that at that time of the world the people were living better than many European nations. The Aztec nation is unique in its history, economy, environment, and way of life then any other nation at that time. History   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Perhaps fifteen to twenty-five thousand years ago, small bands of hunting-gathering peoples made their way across the land bridge that was the frozen Bering Strait, migrated southward through what is now Alaska, Canada, the United States, Central America, South America, and Mexico, settling along the way. One such hunting- gathering group settled in the Central Valley of what is now Mexico (Nicholson 1985). There is a long history of civilizations in the Central Valley of Mexico; as early as several centuries before Christ agricultural tribes had already settled, and by the birth of Christ had established as their great religious center Teotihuacà ¡n. The history of the Central Valley after circa the tenth century A.D. is o... ...;  Ã‚  Ã‚   1988. Hodge, Mary. and Michael E Smith. Economies and Polities in the Aztec Realm. Austin, Texas: University of  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Texas Press, 1994. Leà ³n-Portilla, Miguel. The Aztec Image of Self and Society. Ed. J. Jorge Klow de Alva. Salt Lake City: University  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   of Utah Press, 1992. Moctezuma, Eduardo Matos. The Great Temple of the Aztecs. Trans. Doris Heyden. New York: Thames and  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hudson, Ltd., 1988. Nicholson, H.B. â€Å"Aztec† World Book Encyclopaedia. 1985 ed. Shepperd, Donna Walsh. The Aztecs. New York: F. Watts, 1992. Stuart, Gene S. The Mighty Aztecs. Washington: National Geographic, 1981. Weaver, Muriel Porter. The Aztecs, Maya, and Their Predecessors Archeology of Mesoamerica. New York:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Seminar Press, 1972. Wolf, Leo. â€Å"The Axtecs: A tradition of Religious Human Sacrifice.† March 28, 1998. Available :  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hulot in Mon Oncle :: Jacques Tati Charlie Chaplin

Jacques Tati’s irrepressible Mr. Hulot, along with Charlie Chaplin’s Tramp character, is one of the greatest examples of the everyman. He walks through life with a whimsy that becomes his trademark. Although dialogue is sparse, he exposes the curious intricacies of life from behind his trenchcoat and pipe. In Mon Oncle, Hulot goes on outings with his nephew while Tati elucidates the rather arduous issues of modernity. Hulot goes back and forth between the bourgeois neighborhood and what can only be described as the â€Å"modern sector† with a carelessness shared only by the mischievous children and lackadaisical canines that roam the streets. Hulot has no job, but his days remain filled with admiring children, the talkative street-folk and vendors, and his meddling sister in the modern sector. Altogether, the film has one of the most meager, yet clever uses of sound. Tati can do more with periodic buzzers and whistles than the average film could achieve with all of its modern technology, which is concomitant with the issues within the film. The only two exceptions to the slight soundtrack are the clamorous and deafening sounds of construction during the opening sequence and the technological mishaps at the plastic factory, both being examples of the entropy of modern life. While Hulot’s sister and her husband stammer around figuring out whether their awkward fountain is spouting or the phone is ringing, the altruistic Hulot contorts his window so the reflection prompts a caged bird to sing with delight. Tati parodies the sterile efficiency of the modern sector. First there is a montage of cars, each traveling at a uniform distance from the next, never an arrow unfollowed. In comparison, the Arpels (the sister’s family) step clumsily along the circuitous stone paths in their garden. The ineffable Hulot chooses either to walk freely, incongruous with the paths that have been laid out, or to navigate them deftly as if he were engaged in a game of hopscotch like the little children outside of his house. At times, Hulot can maneuver the cobblestones with obliviousness shared only by the family’s dachshund. The people’s movements in deference to the courtyard’s gravel squares are reminiscent of the characters moving around the checkerboard floors of a country estate in Renoir’s Rules of the Game (1939). The silly characters of Mon Oncle play around in a modern world that makes little sense to Hulot. He finds himself uncomfortable with the strange angles of the art-deco chair and grimaces humorously. His bout with the futuristic kitchen brings to memory a similar scene in Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times (1936) in which an unsuspecting

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Compare and Contrast Essay Art

Work #1 Mona Lisa Leonardo de Vinci, i503-i507 Oil on poplar, (77 x 55cm, 30 x 21in) Muste de Louve, Paris Work # 2 Flowers of Edo: Young Woman’s narrative Chanting to the Shamison Kitagowa Utamoro, Mid 17903 Color wood block print (15 1/8 x 10/38. 5 x 25. 5 cm) Spencer Museums Art The University of Kansas I am not a professional art critic, I just like beautiful paintings. It is very fascinating to me the talent that some are born with. Dilect changes with time but a painting or message or imaginary stays the same. I chose two very important paintings both are portraits of woman. They were created during different time periods. Comparing the two work one (Mona Lisa) is very detailed, while work two (Flowers of Edo: Young woman’s narrative chanting to the shamisen) is more sketched. I am left wondering if work two was a real person or drawing that was later painted. Mona Lisa or La Giocanda (Lajaconde) is the 16th century, oil paintings on polar wood by Leonardo Da Vinci, and is one of the world’s most famous paintings. Few works of art have been subjected to as much scrutiny, study, mythologizing and parody. It is owned by the French government and hangs in the Musee da Louvre in Paris. The painting, a half-length portrait, depicts a woman whose gaze meets the viewers with an expression often described as enigmatic. The title Mona Lisa stems from the Giorgio Vasari biography of Leonard De Vinci published 31 yrs after Leonard’s death. In it he identified the sitter as Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a wealthy businessman; Mona was a common name from the title Madonna, meaning my lady, the English version of Madam. The alternative title is the Italian version which means light-hearted was derived because of her smile. The â€Å"Flowers of Edo† was a series of creations by artist kawakawa Utamoro, who was a Japanese print maker and painter, and he is considered one of the greatest artists of wood block prints. He is especially known for his masterfully composed studies of women. His sensuous female beauties are generally considered the finest and most evocative. He also produced nature studies particularly illustrated books of insects. Kitagawa work reached Europe in the middle of the 19th century, where his works were very popular; enjoying particular fame in France. He influenced the European impressionist, particularly with his use of partial views, with an emphasis or light and shade. Sources The Mona Lisa Exposed Http://www. hepgura. com/mona Lisa, an ad supported tufts University student website dedicated to the Mona Lisa. Shrug asana, Timothy Clark, The passionate art of Kitagowa Utamaro British Museum Press, London, 1995

Monday, September 16, 2019

Mirror: Sylvia Plath Essay

Sylvia Plath is the author of the poem â€Å"Mirror†, written in the early 1960s. Plath had a history of severe depression due to her father’s death when she was a child and her failed attempts of suicide throughout her life. Many of her poems reflect her emotions, whether they are sad, angry or depressing, and â€Å"Mirror† is one of those poems. â€Å"Mirror† deals with the topic of a woman’s self-consciousness and her vanity in a way that is unusual, yet very effective to the reader. Part of the unusual aspect of this poem is that the entire piece is written from the perspective of the mirror. This is just one example of the personification used in â€Å"Mirror†. Another example is â€Å"The eye of a little god† which contains the woman’s vanity in the way that it is almost a self-worshipping and the fact that the mirror is a very powerful item. This one line depicts the woman’s view of what the mirror is to her and her image. The mirror is given many different actions throughout the poem. For example, â€Å"I meditate on the opposite wall† and â€Å"I have looked at it so long† both describe the mirror performing very human actions and this gives the mirror a personality. The impact on the reader is one of interest and curiosity and this continues throughout â€Å"Mirror† when the theme of personification is explored even further. The mirror is claimed to be â€Å"exact† and â€Å"truthful† in this piece. There is a word in almost every line that continues this theme until the reader gets to line 14: â€Å"She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands†. There are a few interesting techniques used in this to make the reader question the truthfulness of the mirror. For example it is an oxymoron as tears are usually regarded as a bad thing and to be rewarded is usually something good. Just those five words make the reader think that the mirror could potentially have emotions, and a dark side. The impact on the reader at this point is huge as the mirror’s personality is not only one of cruelty but it had been lying and saying it was fair. The words â€Å"I am† are repeated several times in the poem and is another example of personification as the mirror is not a being yet it is still calling itself â€Å"I†. This shows that the mirror is very important and thinks highly of itself, yet further continuing the personification. A woman appears in this poem and is similar to Narcissus, who stared at his reflection in a river and didn’t dare touch the water or go away in fear of losing his image. He eventually died of thirst due to his own vanity. The woman clearly treasures the mirror and the mirror knows this: â€Å"I am important to her† and she is said to repeatedly use the mirror many times a day for quite a while, as shown by the references to a great passing of time in â€Å"she comes and goes† and â€Å"day after day†. Plath uses this form of repetition very well in describing a passing of time and making it seem as if no time had passed at all for the reader which leaves an impact. The woman isn’t mentioned until the middle of â€Å"Mirror†, when the mirror personifies itself as a lake and that the woman was â€Å"bent over it†, which is yet another link to the Narcissus myth. Shortly thereafter, the poem describes the candles and the moon as â€Å"liars† as they only shed a little light upon her features and don’t show every little detail as the mirror does. When the woman observes her own reflection in the mirror she was very distraught and started crying which shows the reader that she didn’t like the way that she looked and went back every day to try and discover what she really was on the inside. However, the line that has the largest impact on the reader are the very last lines of the poem: â€Å"In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman Rises toward her day after day, like a terrible fish. † These lines – especially the final one – make the reader shocked and horrified at the woman’s horrible self image. For someone to think of themselves as a terrible fish is almost unimaginable yet the woman feels so strongly about this image that she is openly admitting that she looks like one. Additionally, these two lines continue on with the original themes of the poem to counteract that phrase. â€Å"In me she has drowned† is an extended metaphor of the lake description and â€Å"day after day† continues the theme of time passing by quickly. As previously explored, Plath has used many powerful poetic techniques to have a huge impact on the reader. Although it is a short poem – only 18 lines – it perfectly outlines the themes of vanity and superficiality and the pain this can cause a person. The unusual narrator in this poem gives the reader an entirely different viewpoint on vanity: what it actually looks like from an unbiased source. The poem outlines many aspects of vanity and all of its cruel components that makes the reader contemplate what it really means to be vain. An obvious effective technique used was personification; of the mirror and the candles and the moon. This gives the reader a sensation that an animate object is narrating when it is only a mirror: something so simple and ordinary that it completely changes the perspective of the poem. To conclude, â€Å"Mirror† is a very powerful piece of literature that was written with great expertise. Plath successfully used many poetic techniques and utilised them effectively. Both the style in which it was written and the narrator deal with the topic of self-image very well and gives the reader a great impact. Secondly, the use of the surprising language in the poem had a great effect. The word â€Å"fish† at the end is completely different to the rest of the poem which makes it stand out greatly. The reader doesn’t expect such a vulgar description of the woman and that impact is also huge. Finally, the message portrayed in â€Å"Mirror† was delivered very well. It says that we should look beyond the superficial and value what we are on the inside, something that Plath had struggled with over her life.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Native Americans in the United States and Short Story Essay

Nacirema The â€Å"Body Ritual among the Nacirema† is a short story about a native American tribe. It wasn’t until more research on my part that I realized that this tribe did not exist. In fact it is a folk tale told in Miner’s own words. In true form Miner gives hint to this short story the Nacirema culture to that of the our culture today. Nacirema is in fact spelled â€Å"American†(Culture). The Nacirema has a hero named â€Å"Notgnihsaw† spelled â€Å"Washington† backwards. There are many similarities to this story as our American culture. Out of similarities Washington is our hero. He was the first President of the United States. Legend has it that Washington â€Å"threw a silver dollar across the Potomac River†, much like the Nacirema threw their native beads across their Pa-To-Mac River. Another story has Washington chopping down a cherry tree. But did Washington actually chop the tree down? â€Å"For he could not tell a lie†. As Americans we have rituals and cultural identities Every household has its â€Å"shrine† much like the Nacirema. Not all shrines are made alike. Is the â€Å"shrine† our homes, our churches, or our bathrooms? Shrines come in all walks of life. Miner gives the perception that the working class go to work and make money. If you have very little money your home is small much like a tent. The more money you make the bigger your home is which is made of brick and mortar. He discuses a specific â€Å"charm box† built into the wall (medicine cabinet). Within this box is collection of magical potions (medicine) where all members of the tribe have faith that he/she cannot live without. â€Å"The most powerful of these are the medicine men, whose assistance must be rewarded with substantial gifts. However, the medicine men do not provide the curative potions for their clients, but decide what the ingredients should be and then write them down in an ancient and secret language. This writing is understood only by the medicine men and by the herbalists who, for another gift, provide the required charm. †(Miner) This indicates folks going to the doctor that write the prescriptions to filled by the pharmacy. Miner talks about how members bow theirs heads in front of the box much like that of washing our hands. The Catholics have a similar ritual of dipping of the fingers in the â€Å"holy water† and doing the sign of the cross(Holy water) or kneeling before entering the pew(Religion:Manners in). The Nacirema have a morbid fascination with their mouths. If it â€Å"weren’t for the rituals of the mouth, they believed their teeth would fall out, their gums bleed. † If these things would have happened they believed their lovers would disown them. † â€Å"The daily body ritual performed by everyone includes a mouth-rite. †(Miner) This is much like the flossing or brushing of our teeth. The floss or bristles on our tooth brush we use is similar to the â€Å"hogs hairs. † The â€Å"magical powders† is that of the tooth paste we brush our teeth with. Miner maintains that the Americans right of passage in ways to throw off the readers. Themes as visiting the doctor, surgical operations, and sex are talked about. I initially didn’t take this story serious in reading it. After thorough research to get a better understanding of the writing I got a eye opening. This story reminds me much of a recent short story â€Å"A Modest Proposal†. Both has similarities of rituals and tales of people. I come from a family of rituals with last names that carry on from family to family or given the middle name of your mother first name. We are all meeting the needs of our own tribes whether it be the Americans, Nacirema or Vietnamese into how each is stereotyped.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

he cost associated with running Essay

Candidates should be limited on the amount of money they can spend during a campaign. The cost associated with running for public office is expensive, especially in the case of large national scale elections, but also in smaller local ones. The money factor discourages regular middle class individuals from running for office, often leaving the ballot seriously one sided. If spending limits were placed on campaigns, our government could represent the views and issues of the majority of Americans, rather than only those of the wealthy. Further, if candidates are given a spending limit, they are less likely to take money from supporters who will benefit or profit from a particular view. Candidates then are more likely to make choices based on the good of the community, state, or country, rather than what will bring in the most money. Although mandatory voting could produce both positive and negative outcomes, voting should be a requirement of all Americans. On one hand, forcing people who do not support any of the candidates on the ballot might lead to careless voting. Those citizens who have no knowledge of the people who are running or no interest in voting at all will most likely cast their votes simply to uphold the law. On the other hand however, if all people are required to vote, and they do so in an educated manner, the government could represent all people of our country, rather than only those who choose to vote. Additionally, if Americans are forced to vote, candidates will spend less money campaigning. The months leading up to election become a time of voicing views rather than persuading people to vote in the first place. The decreased spending will, once again, ease the chances of a candidate taking a particular stance on an issue due to the influence of those who donate to their campaign. Texas should not hold partisan elections whereby candidates run as a member of a given political party. In these elections, voters are more likely to vote based upon the party that they support in substitution to the views held by the candidate. In a state that is populated by a majority of Republicans such as Texas, a partisan election would limit the amount of Democratic candidates elected to office, resulting in a severely unbalanced government. Suddenly every public office would be held by a Republican. The only real race in a partisan election would be which Republican to vote for. Furthermore, a non partisan election calls attention to the views of the candidate on an individual level, rather than on the views of the political party to which they belong. Those who do not join parties, or who take a stance that is not supported by any party, are more likely to run for office in a non partisan election. These non partisan elections make holding an office more accessible to a wide variety of candidates, instead of only people who share similar views of Republicans or Democrats.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Domestic Violence Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Domestic Violence Issues - Essay Example the manifestations of violence within what should be a loving relationship to fully understand the horror to which victims are subjected and the need for adequate protection to be provided by both the civil and the criminal justice systems. Perpetrators and Victims Domestic violence is conceived of primarily as a problem of men's abuse of women. Although researchers have documented abuse within same sex relationships4 and although there is evidence that, in a comparatively small number of cases, women abuse men5, the available research suggests that domestic violence is overwhelmingly directed by men against women6. The prior relationship between victims and defendants is most apparent in crimes against women. Men are more likely then women to experience violent victimization. But the nature of these events differs greatly. Women are about six times more likely than men to experience violence committed by an intimate. The prior relationship between victim and offender causes particular problems for law enforcement officials in the area of domestic violence. Domestic Violence: Literary Review Violence in the context of intimate relationships encapsulates may types of abuse: emotional/psychological, physical, sexual and economic. Such abuse can occur within married, separated and divorced relationships or among single people living together or simply dating one another. Many enduring and dysfunctional aspects contribute to the violence that occurs, so it is important to examine how abusive episodes emerge within the context of the ongoing relationship. Of all the crimes reported to the British Crime Survey in 2000, more than 1 in 20 was classified as domestic violence. Survey reports of...A. Stanko (1989), 'Policing Men's Violence: An Introduction' in J. Hanmer, J. Radford and E. A. Stanko (eds), Women, Policing and Male Violence: International Perspectives, London and New York, Routledge Cook, B., David, F. & Grant, A. 1999, Victims' Needs, Victims' Rights: Policies and programs for victims of crime in Australia, Research and Public Policy Series No. 19, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Evalucation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evalucation - Essay Example Below are the evaluation methods that are going to be employed: In order for the project to be a success, a proper understanding of the targeted public is prime. In order to understand the public a couple of data collection methods has to be involved. These will include surveys and questionnaires (Dennis 2). There will also be small groups conducting outreach programs to outsource detailed information. In the evaluation of this stage of the campaign, the use of data from the surveys and questionnaires shall be analyzed. The information on interviews collected by the outreach groups will also be analyzed. The evaluation points should be based on the opinions and attitude of the public. If the full demographic information achieved is convincing (positive attitude and opinion), then moving to the next step will be smooth and easy based on the information at hand (Dennis 4). This campaign employed giveaways, brochures, events, promotions, social media and media outreach as the tactics that would enable the creation of a strong public relation and awareness to make them register with Park on Morton student apartments. The evaluation of each or a combination of the above mentioned is pertinent as this is the point in which the campaign fails or flourishes. The best way to attract the attention of the public is through the use of Giveaways and Brochures. There will be free T-Shirts, lanyards, pens sunglasses and well-designed water bottles. To evaluate the effect of the Giveaways and Brochures, the focus will me on the way the public receives them and their attitude towards them. If this process is a success, there are a couple of things that are likely to occur: there will be an improved customer visit to Park on Morton offices for registration and inquiries. The events will be conducted in collaboration with local companies such as Bloomington Bagel Company and Kilroy’s on Kirkwood, Dunkirk and spots.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Self awareness assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Self awareness assignment - Essay Example Oakes et a defined self-esteem as â€Å"emphasize efective self-regard . . . feeling of affection toward neself (779). Others define it as an overall judgment one makes about one’s worth as a person. But regardless how it is defined, self esteem includes affective and cognitive components. â€Å"High self esteem people feel good about themselves and think they have many positive qualities† (779). On the reverse, low self-esteem people hold ambivalent feelings toward themselves and are less certain that they have many certain positive qualities (Baumeister, Tice & Hutton, 1989 qtd in Oakes et al 779). To this, Anjala and Worthen added the specifics of body image and self image which comprises self-esteem (90) Inferring from these definitions in setting up a SMART Goal in developing my self esteem, I will initially target a 20% increase in positive self esteem, progressing to 40% in the second week, 60% in the third week and 80% increase in self-esteem the fourth week of assessing the development of my self-esteem. The SMART Goal is effective because it is grounded on reality and the parameters were conservative. It is not an overly optimistic goal that is difficult to achieve that would make one eventually abandon the plan. Rather, it is composed of step by step plan that only requires realistic efforts that could be done consistently. Inferring from the definition of Oakes et al and and Anjala, I will categorize the componenets of self esteem as internal and external. Internal are those whom Oakes said to feel good about myself and which is triggered by a positive stimuli that helps us cope positively with the challenges of life(Tariq 23). To achieve these goals I will engage in activities that are consistent with the internal and external components about self esteem. With regard to the internal factor of feeling good about myself, I will begin making more friends and spending more time with family

Violence In American Popular Culture Research Paper - 1

Violence In American Popular Culture - Research Paper Example Like many federal acts, PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) is more incumbent upon the shareholders to enforce than it is for government watch groups to enforce. In this way, the ultimate responsibility falls upon the leadership of the individual prison as a means of ensuring the prison rape is reported, minimized, and sought to be eliminated. As a function of performing this study, the authors noted that one of the shortcomings that prior research had failed to address was the role that prison wardens played in the reduction of incidence of prison rape; as such the need for the study itself to be undertaken was necessitated (Moster et al 67)). Unfortunately, the study found that there was little difference between the incidence and reporting levels of prison rape both pre and post PREA. This lack of change with regards to the level of prison rape that was measured and reported upon was surmised by the researchers to be fundamentally linked to the funding levels that prisons received. As a function of the limited sources of funding, prisons and prison wardens by extension have traditionally sought out other more important issues to be tackled. However, the issue of prison rape, as the authors argue, is perhaps the most important issue besides rehabilitation that any given prison or prison system can or should deal with. Due to the fact that prison rape is not only psychologically traumatic but the fact that it spreads diseases such as hepatitis, HIV, and a litany of others, the health and institution integrity of the system as a whole is put in jeopardy by such an oversight (Moster et al 69) With regards to the key information that has been studied thus far this semester with relation to the above topic, it is the belief of this author that the relationship that the ultimate shareholder, the prison warden, bears with relation to this issue is the one that most closely

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Marketing Strategies Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Marketing Strategies Development - Essay Example The essay "Marketing Strategies Development" aims to design a competitive and successful marketing strategy for the launching of the new mark of mobile phone Leviathan. In the last two decades, there have been major changes in the broader economic environment resulting from increasing globalization, deregulation, increased the competition and specialization of industries cited in Kotler. This has lead organizations to form cooperative agreements, such as alliances, resulting in a shift from stand-alone competition to the networked rivalry. The marketing mix has its origin in the marketing of goods for consumer markets and consists of the well known 4P’s: Price, Promotion, Place, and Product and must be carefully coordinated for the greatest success. Therefore, two methods were presented through which the divisions could be segmented. I suggested segmenting the market into geographical, demographical and time segment. Through these methods, the company is better placed to meet up with its objectives. The paper calls for a value adding and marketing strategy for increasing yields to the company for the benefits of the entire business. The company expects to target not only high-yielding niche market but low-income household as well with the introduction of the new products. Key success factors within the market will be MoTecH Ltd brand of innovative quality furniture and promotional gifts, individualized customer services – tailor made custom design providing customers with what they want, when and how they want it.